Trespass is a common misdemeanor offense, although under limited circumstances it may be charged as a felony. One of the most common scenarios for a trespass arrest is when a patron is attempting to enter (or re-enter) an establishment, usually a nightclub, and a bouncer or off duty police officer takes exception. Most people who are arrested in this situation feel that they have done nothing wrong and that the bouncer or police officer treated them unfairly. It is not uncommon for a trespass charge to be accompanied by a disorderly conduct or resisting without violence charge.
Trespassing occurs when a person enters onto someone else's land, home, car or other property without the owner's permission. It is generally charged as a misdemeanor, not a felony, which means that the penalty upon conviction is not as serious as a felony. You might not think this is a serious charge however you should contact one of the experienced trespassing defense attorneys at the offices of K.L. Foote.
Under Florida Law, Trespass (Florida Statute - 810.08) is the act of unlawfully entering on to someone else's property when there is notice that you are not welcome on that property. Generally, you have not trespassed if there is not a warning that your presence is not permitted on the property. Intent and knowledge play a large role in the defense of these charges. Call the law offices of K.L. Foote to preserve your rights.