Kenneth Foote

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Prostitution Defense AttorneysKenneth Foote Prostitution Defense Lawyers

Prostitution is the exchange of sexual services for money. You could be charged with prostitution if you arrange for others to engage in sexual behavior for money. It is also illegal to operate an establishment that individuals frequent to pay for sexual activity. Now in the age of the internet, there has been a proliferation of escort sites and directories. People of all backgrounds and professions frequent these sites and contact escorts for companionship. Sometimes the services an escort can provide goes beyond mere paid companionship and you could be arrested for prostitution, assignation, solicitation and any other sexual acts conducted for money.

If you or a loved one has been arrested for a prostitution crime please call 1-877-903-6683 to discuss your case with an experienced prostitution defense attorney immediately.

If you are arrested in a police sting you must make sure that none of your rights were violated and have a Florida prostitution crimes defense attorney who is experienced with these types of crimes ask the following questions:

  1. Did the undercover police escort entrap you?
  2. Did the undercover police escort post suggestive photographs or conduct herself in such a way to make you do something you normally would not do?
  3. Did the police read you Miranda before they interrogated you?
  4. Did the police record any of the interaction with the undercover police officer and was that recording tampered with in any way?
  5. What kind of evidence did the police collect? And is that enough to convict you at a trial?
  6. Are there any programs where you can get the charges dropped?
  7. How can you best manage the situation with the least amount of damage to your professional reputation and career?

You need an experienced prostitution defense attorney that can ask these questions and may more to isure that your rights are defended. Because sex crimes can cause hysteria and prejudice, it is always best to enlist help from an experienced prostitution criminal defense lawyer if you are charged with any prostitution offense. Many counties in Florida have special websites that single out people arrested for prostition, so call 1-877-903-6683 to speak with one of the experienced prostitution defense attorneys at K.L. Foote IMMEDIATLY.

The punishments for all prostitution offenses range greatly from probation to several years in prison, depending on the circumstances. You may also be liable for fines or mandatory intervention or substance abuse programs. Penalties for prostitution charges involving minors, may and probably will be substantially higher. You can speak to an experienced prostitution criminal defense attorney to find out what charges you are facing.

Contact One of Our Florida Protitution Defense
torneys for a FREE Consultation.

Contact Us


7608 Massachusetts Avenue
New Port Richey, FL 34653



(727) 844-0102
(877) 90-FOOTE (TOLL FREE)
(727) 844-0106 (FAX)